Teaser Tuesday

The Ravyn’s Revenge – News, Cover Reveal, and Snippet

The end is nigh! No, no, not that one or even that one, but the end of a series. The Edgeworld Chronicles, my mlm scifi romp which started with Petri and his irreverent smuggler, comes to a close with the upcoming release of The Ravyn’s Revenge. The series finale brings old and new characters together to right many wrongs, rescue the Ravyn’s brother, and maybe do a bit of kissing (and more) along the way.

First, look at him! Isn’t he absolutely swoony? The moment I saw this model, I knew he was my Ravyn. He’s so close to how I pictured him in my head, it’s kinda scary (like the Ravyn).

The initial writing for this was a slog, I’m not gonna lie. I either made the plot overly complicated (and it may still be) and the relationship suffered, or the relationship got too convoluted and the plot suffered. I’m pretty happy with where it’s at now – in the hands of my beta readers – and await their judgment.

Now, for the back cover summary. Drum Roll…

Vigilante. Murderer. Hero.

Kittryk Ravyndaar has searched for his brother for over five long years. Each scrap of information, from Pietro’s patient identifier to Kasseus Minshaar’s experience, brings him one step closer to victory. Now, all he needs is someone with enough skill to break into a secure research facility and obtain his brother’s last known location.

What he needs is Cpl. Ricardo Jackson.

Broken legionnaire. Dishonored Misfit. Traitor.

Haunted by his actions during interrogation and believing Larimore dead, Jackson avoids his squad mates and drowns his past in the bottom of the bottle. Until his former NCO contacts him and asks him for a favor.

Now Kit and Jackson must evade the Alliance, uncover an unknown enemy working against them, and race against time to rescue the pirate’s lost brother. As a larger plot unravels and new enemies appear, they don’t have time to succumb to temptation.

But even the Ravyn can’t evade love.

Here’s a snippet to hopefully get you as excited about the Ravyn as I am:

The unlocking program he’d built years ago for the Misfits ran slower on the ancient unit than the sleek device issued by the Legion, but it got the job done. The access panel flashed green, the cypher lock disengaged, and the door slid open. His mama didn’t raise any fools, however. He didn’t step into the room. Instead, he slid away his comm device and stared into two pairs of crimson-ringed eyes. They glowed in the muted light of the room and promised death.

“Sarge tells me you need a comm spec.” He leaned against the doorway and folded his arms over his chest. No sudden moves. Nothing hidden or shady. Voice as deliberately casual and relaxed as his posture. “If he’s right, and Sarge is annoyingly on the nose about this shit, then I’m your man. Ricardo Jackson of the Misfits.”

The man he knew only as Kit stepped forward, the other man shifting to keep a clear line of sight between them. The leader carried a pair of wickedly curved blades crackling with energy and stood like he knew how to use them. “Do you always court death when you respond to job opportunities?”

“If necessary.” Damn. A voice like that should be illegal. Smooth and rich but with a bite of danger to make things interesting. He’d be a potent lover, the kind who liked a bit of pain with his pleasure. Too bad he was the lead on this mission. Jackson didn’t mix business with pleasure. That got a man killed. “Sarge’s brief said this mission’s important. You don’t know me or my skills. A suitable demonstration cuts through a lot of bullshit.”