
Fun with Text to Speech

One of the final editing passes all my books go through is listening to it via Microsoft Word’s text to speech option. It helps find missed words, duplicate words, repetitive words, and awkward phrasing among other things. It can also be quite unintentionally hilarious and baffling. Here are a few I’ve come across while listening to the robovoice reading A Thread of Magic (available June, 2025).

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News Teaser Tuesday

Hinata – Now Available!

The Wolves of Sorrow series is winding down with the sixth book releasing today! Currently available at Amazon, she’ll stalk her way through the other retailers over the next few days until she’s available everywhere. Here’s a preview along with links of where to grab Hinata and the other wolves of Sorrow. “Try this.” Instead of taking the fruit from her hand, he leaned forward and bit into the juicy pear. His galaxy eyes never…

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Teaser Tuesday

The Ravyn’s Revenge – News, Cover Reveal, and Snippet

The end is nigh! No, no, not that one or even that one, but the end of a series. The Edgeworld Chronicles, my mlm scifi romp which started with Petri and his irreverent smuggler, comes to a close with the upcoming release of The Ravyn’s Revenge. The series finale brings old and new characters together to right many wrongs, rescue the Ravyn’s brother, and maybe do a bit of kissing (and more) along the way.

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Flash Fiction Friday – August

For this month’s flash piece, I’m returning to Barif and the Wolves of Sorrow series. A Successful Mission Gone Wrong follows Jelayan on a retrieval mission of a well-protected green gem (August’s peridot). This story occurs after Jelayan’s book (#4) but before Hinata’s (#6) when Jelayan is still fitting into her new duties with her mate’s covert operations organization. There are no spoilers for the series’ overarching plot.

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Cover Reveals News

New cover, new price, new links!

Hello, everyone! There’s been some work behind the scenes that’s slowly working its way through the various systems, so I thought I’d chatter to you about it. First up, The Wolves of Sorrow: Sorcha is the final book waiting to leave KDP Select. What does that mean? It means none of my titles will be available via Kindle Unlimited. They’ve had a good run there, but it’s just not worth limiting them to a single…

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Flash Fiction Friday – July

Hello! You all know how flash fiction is supposed to hang around 1000-2000 words? Yeah, well, that didn’t happen this month. The flash piece became a full-fledged short story at over 4800 words. It’s pure fantasy romance with swords and magic, goddesses and demons and is a bit spicier than the others. This short has potential the same way Petri and Shoba had potential. I currently don’t have time/mental space for another series, but this…

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