This is your seven day warning! Brienne, second in the Wolves of Sorrow series, releases on Monday, March 14. In preparation, and maybe to entice folks to give my hybrid wolves and their Rifaniir mates a try, I’m running a sale on the first in the series, Shoba. Details below.

For the week prior to Brienne’s release, March 7th – March 14, Shoba is on sale for a mere 99c!
In the distant future, humankind experiments with genetic modification hoping to make better soldiers. Their first experiments, a blending of predatory animals and humans, lead them to perfect their practices. But those first experiments, sometimes more animal than human, survived and formed their own communities. The descendents of those first experiments remain on Earth Prime, forgotten by the humans who created them, and racing against the failing infrastructure. Sorrow, a small wolf community of close to one hundred wolf-human hybrids, is one of those communities.
Follow the wolves of Sorrow as they leave Earth Prime to live among the Rifaniir, ambush predators from the planet of Barif in the Maiveth System, and find adventure, danger, and the love of their forever mates.
Shoba kicks off the series beginning on Sorrow and ending in Korlyn’s Glen on Barif. She’s a snarly dominant wolf warrior. He’s a determined, sexy Rifaniir ship’s captain. Sparks fly! Grab your copy while it’s on sale.