Cover Reveals News

New cover, new price, new links!

Hello, everyone! There’s been some work behind the scenes that’s slowly working its way through the various systems, so I thought I’d chatter to you about it. First up, The Wolves of Sorrow: Sorcha is the final book waiting to leave KDP Select. What does that mean? It means none of my titles will be available via Kindle Unlimited. They’ve had a good run there, but it’s just not worth limiting them to a single…

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Flash Fiction Friday – July

Hello! You all know how flash fiction is supposed to hang around 1000-2000 words? Yeah, well, that didn’t happen this month. The flash piece became a full-fledged short story at over 4800 words. It’s pure fantasy romance with swords and magic, goddesses and demons and is a bit spicier than the others. This short has potential the same way Petri and Shoba had potential. I currently don’t have time/mental space for another series, but this…

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Sorcha is now Live!

Sorcha, the fifth book in the Wolves of Sorrow series, is now live on Amazon. Searching for her place on Barif, Sorcha buried herself in her studies. That is until Zahar walked into her life and walked away with her heart. Now she’s trying to navigate a relationship, an assessment exercise, and an unknown saboteur with a certain wolf in their sights.

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Flash Fiction Friday – June

I’ve gotten things back on track with the monthly flash prompts, so here’s June on time and ready to go. Funny story about this flash piece. It was supposed to be May’s entry with the main character named Emeralda (Emerald) instead of Alexandra (Alexandrite). Since I didn’t have it queued up, I thought I’d skipped writing it, wrote a new one, then found this one when I saved the one I posted for May. *sigh*…

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Teaser Tuesday

Sorcha – a snippet and preorder link

With Jelayan roaming Warrior’s Weald with her Rifaniir mate, it’s time to turn the focus on the next wolf of Sorrow to find her mate. Sorcha has worked as the pack’s primary maintenance specialist since her fourteenth year, but the technology on her new world isn’t the same. Not all of her skills translate to a world of nano medicine and intergalactic space travel, and the horror of the past is a ghost which stalks…

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Flash Fiction Friday -March

Time for a new monthly flash fiction piece, this one for the month of March. Since March is best as a surname, I’ve chosen to focus on the birthstone. Mostly bloodstone with a bit of aquamarine thrown in for good luck. A type of chalcedony, bloodstones were once believed to have healing powers and often used to make seals or amulets. All sorts of goodies, right? Let’s go!

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Flash Fiction Friday -February

Welcome to February, the coldest, shortest month of the year. For this monthly flash piece, I decided to use the official birthstone, Amethyst, instead of the month. I couldn’t envision anyone naming a child February, even in a fantasy setting, so Amethyst was born. This flash piece is based on an ‘almost story’ I’ve had bouncing around my head for several years. It’s something I’ve wanted to write, but the story simply wouldn’t gel for…

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