Hello, everyone! There’s been some work behind the scenes that’s slowly working its way through the various systems, so I thought I’d chatter to you about it.
First up, The Wolves of Sorrow: Sorcha is the final book waiting to leave KDP Select. What does that mean? It means none of my titles will be available via Kindle Unlimited. They’ve had a good run there, but it’s just not worth limiting them to a single retailer any longer. All my other titles are available via Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, etc including Kobo Plus, and Sorcha will join them at the end of September, 2023. Check the links on the Books page and choose the retailer of your choice.

The Fox’s Mate was overdue for a make-over, so it received a new cover to go with its new price. As the oldest of my available titles, I’ve reduced it to only 99c! The rest of the book remains the same, no edits beyond the cover, so don’t feel you have to redownload it.
It, too, is available anywhere ebooks are sold at this LINK. Like the others, I’m keeping the paperbacks on Amazon since I can’t deselect Amazon from Draft2Digital’s distribution, creating two versions on Amazon: one with Prime shipping available and one without. As physical copies make up a fraction of my sales, I’d rather avoid the confusion at this time.
That’s all for now. I’m still working on goodies to give away at the signing in October, sending more queries out for the secret project, and working on The Ravyn and Hinata.