
Monday Mumbles: Why Tuesdays?

Have you ever looked at something and wondered why? Check out any major media release—whether it’s music CDs, DVDs, or yes, books—and you’ll find a strange coincidence. They’re all (usually) released on a Tuesday. Smaller titles across the spectrum of media might pop up on the other days of the week, but the major titles, the Star Wars and the Stephen Kings? Tuesdays. Always Tuesdays. But why?

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Rec a Series

Rec a Series: Kate Daniels

Rec a Series is a monthly post highlighting one of my favorite series, past or present. I had a moment of stunned disbelief when I realized I hadn’t covered this series. It’s amazingly glorious. It’s one of the first Urban Fantasy series folks think of when one mentions UF. And I hadn’t mentioned it yet. This…is not good. Let me remedy that now and dive into the alternate reality of Atlanta after the return of…

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