
A Sale and a Snippet

Hello and welcome back. Yes, the spiders have taken over again, but I actually have a decent reason this time. I’m still working on both Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba and Draxton’s Destiny! Shoba has morphed from a flash piece to 50,000 words and growing, while Draxton needs only the final battle and wrap up chapters. It’s going slowly but steadily. In the meantime, I’ve placed all my titles on Smashwords into their mid-year sale. The three novels are half off, the novella/short story anthology is Free. If you’d like to check one of them out, mosey on over and see if one is right for you.

Now that I’ve done one of my infrequent advertisements, here’s a snippet from Shoba as a reward.

Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba

Shoba.” Exasperated, he tugged her into a small alcove, blocking her in with his body. Blocking others from seeing her.

“Vaistu.” She mimicked his tone with a smile.

He froze, the starlight fleeing from his eyes to leave the iridescent sheen of oil on a turbulent pond. He crowded her, pushing her back against the cold metal of the ship, his chest a wall of muscled heat in front of her.

“Say it again, little wolf,” he murmured. When she remained quiet, he cupped her cheek, lowered his head until his lips brushed hers. “Say my name.”

“Vaistu,” she breathed.

His musical, sibilant language caressed her skin moments before he covered her mouth with his. His wasn’t the first lips she’d kissed, but none had made her greedy for the next taste. And the next. She buried her fingers in his hair, let him feel her claws when he tried to pull back. Breathing was optional. Kissing him was not.