Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Izabel

I’ve completed the first draft of Izabel, third in the Wolves of Sorrow series of short novels, and will let it simmer for a few weeks before returning for a second pass to iron out any noticeable kinks. Would love to get one or two more reliable beta readers on board, so if you’re interested, drop me a line in the comments below, contact me on Facebook or Twitter, or shoot me an email. The…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Tuesdays are for Teasing! Today I’m returning to the Edgeworld Chronicles and the second in that series. We first met Draxton when he helped Petri escape the space station which created, imprisoned, and tortured him. He reappears on Kinstral when he again aided the young man and his Den’Lastrian. The last we saw of him was at a slave market, again helping the Alliance’s experiment by refusing the man’s aid. Now, he’s on Seshinaar in…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Brienne

Brienne goes live in SIX DAYS! Preorder is available HERE if you feel so inclined. I’m currently working on Izabel and hope to have it ready to go no later than the end of the year. After that, it’s a toss-up between a novella with Fieryl in the Edgeworld Chronicles series, starting the Ravyn’s book, or working on Jalayan, fourth in the Wolves of Sorrow series. This has been an insanely productive year for me,…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba

Another Tuesday, another teaser, this time from my favorite snarly wolf, Shoba. This book is incredibly special to me after a year where I struggled to even read much less write. I’d dabbled in a few flash pieces, but nothing really grabbed me until this. It proved to me that I still had stories in me that demanded to be told, and that I could enjoy the process again. Shoba’s cranky and wounded and broken…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

It’s a Tuesday! Want a teaser? ‘Course you do! This time, we’re looking at the long-awaited sequel to Subject 5691:Petri, Draxton’s Destiny. This book fought me every step of the way. At times I hated it, and once the rewrite was completed, I hated it even more. Then I let it sit, did another editing pass, and discovered it wasn’t as crappy as I’d feared. Here’s a hint of the final manuscript.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday -Wolves of Sorrow: Brienne

Anyway, I’m bringing back the old Teaser Tuesday series to spotlight on the things in progress, things already released, and maybe just things. Who knows? Brienne has survived the final editing pass without me loathing it, so I call it a win! It’s still a short novel, at just under 54K words, but slightly longer than Shoba which was in the murky “too long to be a novella but almost too short to be a…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Application

Another Friday, another short snippet of fiction. Since the last one, I’ve had a small panic when I thought I’d lost almost half of a manuscript’s edits in a file save error, ran through that one with another more thorough editing pass, and did a third pass through Draxton. I’m really happy where both those are sitting. The Application is based on the image below with the prompt “Where is this house? Who lives here?…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Gallery

Hello! It’s Friday and time for another short snippet of fiction. Things have happened, but most are good things, so I was able to get back to my flash pieces. I have two manuscripts off to beta readers and am plotting the next books in both those series. With a couple of days to completely chill, play video games, and just be, I was able to hop back into things. The Gallery is based on…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Hunter

Hello! It’s Friday and time for another short snippet of fiction. This week has been… a lot. You know how they say “when it rains, it pours?” as a euphemism for things going all good or all bad? Yeah. It sucks. Just everything. But never fear! I wrote a happy, cheerful microflash of only 246 words. *Checks Notes* Oh. Oh, no. It’s… kinda not happy. Or cheerful. It is, however, microflash! That’s gotta count for…

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