
Flash Fiction Friday – What Took You So Long?

I have found and tentatively joined a creative writing group in the local area. It’s small, only a handful or so of people attended the one meeting I did, and I’m not sure my style fits in. This is a group nestled firmly in the deep south and some of my subject matter may fall far, far outside their comfort zones. We shall see. To get the meetings going, they post a flash prompt limited…

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Flash Fiction: The Reaper’s Rope

I was hoping to get this finished on Friday, but I ended up going in a totally different direction so here we are: a Flash Fiction Friday post on Sunday. Whatever. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ For this short, I grabbed one of Chuck Wendig‘s list of random titles. I’d thought to use The Bridge and the Rose, but after mulling it over I gravitated to The Reaper’s Rope and this story evolved. Fair warning, it’s kinda dark (What is…

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Tuesday Tidbit: Awakening

Before the weather reminded me that I now in the PNW and spring can be both picture-postcard pretty and a misty, chilly grey, I took a notebook to my favorite table at Victor Steinbrueck Park near Pike Place Market, sat in the sun, and wrote whatever came to mind. It was as much to see if I could get anything accomplished while at a public venue as it was to enjoy the sunshine. I got…

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