
(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Shop

It’s Friday, so it’s time for another flash fiction piece. I managed to keep this one under 200 words. Go me! The image was posted in a Facebook group with the prompt of “What little stall is tucked out of the way here?” I’m not completely happy with the piece, but I’m not sure I could change it so I’m happier with it without it becoming much, much longer. It’s not a sad one like…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Argument

Well, well, what have we here? Yup, it’s Friday so it’s time for another flash fiction piece. This one is a slightly longer micro at 285 words. The featured image was posted in a Facebook group with the prompt of “Uh-oh. Somebody’s in trouble. What happened?” I chose to come at the prompt a bit sideways. It’s not a very happy tale, if you look at it one way, so be warned if you’re not…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Temple

These tiny flash fiction pieces are becoming a regular thing. This one is again on the micro level at just 146 words. The featured image was posted in a Facebook group with the prompt of “Who owns this shop? Who are the clients? Is it clean and uncluttered or is there no telling what you’ll find?” Everything I started grew way too long, so I’d shelve it and come at it from a different angle.…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Path

Another bit of flash fiction today on the micro level – this one came in at 276 words. The featured image was posted in a Facebook group with the prompt of “Where do you suppose this trail leads?” I’ve been eyeing the image for several days. I knew I wanted to do something, but I didn’t want it to resemble the last one too closely. The Path is a very tiny portal fantasy or a…

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(Micro)Flash Fiction Friday – The Wood

Doing a bit of flash fiction today on the micro level – only 237 words. The featured image was posted in a Facebook group with the prompt of “Who do you suppose lives here?” I’d been wanting to write something, specifically something short that would fit in a Facebook post but hadn’t actually sat down to do so. Now that I have, I present to you: The Wood.

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Flash Fiction Friday: Monsters

Part of this is an older piece I\’ve had on my computer for a couple of years now, lurking to see if it will become something more. It hasn\’t, but with a bit of work, it\’s the perfect length for a flash. It\’s also a bit morbid, which makes it good for a Friday the 13th post. It\’s not a happy piece, so if you need to maintain your happy, perhaps give it a pass.…

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Microflash – Waiting

Continuing the microflash prompts on our local creative writing group’s Facebook page, I found this photo from our time in Washington. It’s not the best picture, taken with my cell phone in the underground beneath the city, but the light and colors sparked my imagination and I knew I had to use it. Microflash pieces are tiny, just 100 words, making them long enough to present the bones of a story but short enough to post…

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Flash Fiction: Going Home

Well, I totally forgot to post this last month. We skipped May due to our scheduled meeting date falling on Mother’s Day and the library not having an opening on other dates, so we met in June. This should have been posted in July at the latest but… well, we all know how well I remember things. Anyway, the prompt was centered around Midsummer (or the summer solstice). I wanted the day to be important…

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Microflash – Marking Time

In looking for a way to provide content on the local creative writing group’s Facebook page, I toyed with the idea of posting our monthly flash pieces. It would serve a few purposes: highlight great stories, highlight lovely people, and blow away the cobwebs forming in the corners of the page. But 500 words, while not a lot, is a pretty big wall of text for a Facebook post. So, I decided on a test…

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Flash Fiction: Dangerous Temptation

For April’s flash prompt, we were given the phrase “a compelling voice.” Now, those who know me probably know how hard it was not to go full-on phangirl and do a Phantom of the Opera fic. But Fieryl, my jag’haar security chief from the upcoming Draxton’s Destiny, roared quite a bit louder. This is a snippet detailing how Ta’Naii Levegaer came to be on Fieryl’s tech team to remove Draxton’s slave bands. Enjoy!

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