
Flash Fiction: One of Those Days

March’s prompt was based around an old saying, “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” The proverb, first recorded in the early 18th century, was used to predict spring weather. If March was stormy and windy, it was a “lion,” and the month would end in a much calmer fashion. The reverse was also believed to be true, a calm first of March meant storms by the end of the month. Since this is…

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Flash Fiction: The Valentinus Ball

The prompt for the February flash fiction was, unsurprisingly, related to Valentine’s Day. Instead of choosing the day itself, we decided on Valentine’s Cards. This piece, longer than the requirement of 500 words, was an idea I simply couldn’t compress enough and be happy with it. It’s a world that’s been stewing in my brain, an alternate history ruled from the shadows by a vampire caste called the Night Barons. Not steampunk, just…Regency with a…

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Flash Fiction Friday: Snow

Back in November, our local writing group gave us the prompt of “Winter in the South” for our December flash story. I have very firm opinions of my fellow southerners attempting to drive in snow, most of which I probably shouldn’t put down for general consumption, so the prompt proved rather difficult for me. I wrote one story, Winter in Dixie, which I posted in December and decided against bringing to the meeting. It needed…

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Flash Fiction Friday – Winter in Dixie

The November prompt for the creative writing group I’ve joined focused on a tourism competition. As soon as the site releases the official results, I’ll post the piece and the links here. I didn’t win, unfortunately, but I placed second which I’m extremely pleased with. Anyway, not having a piece to post, I skipped to December’s prompt since I wrote two for it anyway. This is the one I decided not to use since it…

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Flash Fiction Friday – What Took You So Long?

I have found and tentatively joined a creative writing group in the local area. It’s small, only a handful or so of people attended the one meeting I did, and I’m not sure my style fits in. This is a group nestled firmly in the deep south and some of my subject matter may fall far, far outside their comfort zones. We shall see. To get the meetings going, they post a flash prompt limited…

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Flash Fiction – Wolves of Sorrow

Every Friday, Chuck Wendig posts a flash fiction prompt. This week’s challenge comes from user-supplied titles. I chose Wolves of Sorrow by the user powerjacob and incorporated my Edgeworld series worldbuilding into it. While not directly connected to the events occurring in Petri, its place on the timeline is a few years prior. Check out Chuck’s page and play if you have a mind to. Enjoy!

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Tuesday Tidbit: Awakening

Before the weather reminded me that I now in the PNW and spring can be both picture-postcard pretty and a misty, chilly grey, I took a notebook to my favorite table at Victor Steinbrueck Park near Pike Place Market, sat in the sun, and wrote whatever came to mind. It was as much to see if I could get anything accomplished while at a public venue as it was to enjoy the sunshine. I got…

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