Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba

Another Tuesday, another teaser, this time from my favorite snarly wolf, Shoba. This book is incredibly special to me after a year where I struggled to even read much less write. I’d dabbled in a few flash pieces, but nothing really grabbed me until this. It proved to me that I still had stories in me that demanded to be told, and that I could enjoy the process again. Shoba’s cranky and wounded and broken…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

It’s a Tuesday! Want a teaser? ‘Course you do! This time, we’re looking at the long-awaited sequel to Subject 5691:Petri, Draxton’s Destiny. This book fought me every step of the way. At times I hated it, and once the rewrite was completed, I hated it even more. Then I let it sit, did another editing pass, and discovered it wasn’t as crappy as I’d feared. Here’s a hint of the final manuscript.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday -Wolves of Sorrow: Brienne

Anyway, I’m bringing back the old Teaser Tuesday series to spotlight on the things in progress, things already released, and maybe just things. Who knows? Brienne has survived the final editing pass without me loathing it, so I call it a win! It’s still a short novel, at just under 54K words, but slightly longer than Shoba which was in the murky “too long to be a novella but almost too short to be a…

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Trope Tuesdays

Trope Tuesdays

I’m back for another look at the various tropes found in romance and/or urban fantasy. These tropes are the underlying theme of a novel, such as “enemies to lovers” or “fated mates.” Some are beloved standards in the industry. Others are, for me, a hard line drawn in the sand. All generate different reactions from different readers (and sometimes from the same reader at different times in their lives). I’ll give a few examples of…

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Trope Tuesdays

Trope Tuesdays

I’m back for another look at the various tropes found in romance and/or urban fantasy. These tropes are the underlying theme of a novel, such as “enemies to lovers” or “fated mates.” Some are beloved standards in the industry. Others are, for me, a hard line drawn in the sand. All generate different reactions from different readers (and sometimes from the same reader at different times in their lives). I’ll give a few examples of…

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Trope Tuesdays

Trope Tuesdays

I’m back for another look at the various tropes found in romance and/or urban fantasy. These tropes are the underlying theme of a novel, such as “enemies to lovers” or “fated mates.” Some are beloved standards in the industry. Others are a hard line drawn in the sand. All draw different reactions from different readers (and sometimes from the same reader at different times in their lives). I’ll provide links to my favorites.

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