
A Sale and a Snippet

Hello and welcome back. Yes, the spiders have taken over again, but I actually have a decent reason this time. I’m still working on both Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba and Draxton’s Destiny! Shoba has morphed from a flash piece to 50,000 words and growing, while Draxton needs only the final battle and wrap up chapters. It’s going slowly but steadily. In the meantime, I’ve placed all my titles on Smashwords into their mid-year sale. The…

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An apology, an announcement, and a new project

So, wow, I just checked the last date on this site and it was 2019, just prior to *gestures* all the things. It’s been a strange year. I had all the time to create and absolutely no brain function to do so. I played a lot of Animal Crossing. A lot. More than is healthy, really. I’m sure I’m not alone. With the vaccines rolling out, and an end to refusing to step outside my…

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