Teaser Tuesday

The Ravyn’s Revenge – News, Cover Reveal, and Snippet

The end is nigh! No, no, not that one or even that one, but the end of a series. The Edgeworld Chronicles, my mlm scifi romp which started with Petri and his irreverent smuggler, comes to a close with the upcoming release of The Ravyn’s Revenge. The series finale brings old and new characters together to right many wrongs, rescue the Ravyn’s brother, and maybe do a bit of kissing (and more) along the way.

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Teaser Tuesday

Sorcha – a snippet and preorder link

With Jelayan roaming Warrior’s Weald with her Rifaniir mate, it’s time to turn the focus on the next wolf of Sorrow to find her mate. Sorcha has worked as the pack’s primary maintenance specialist since her fourteenth year, but the technology on her new world isn’t the same. Not all of her skills translate to a world of nano medicine and intergalactic space travel, and the horror of the past is a ghost which stalks…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Subject 5691: Petri

With NaNoWriMo finally over and edits on the horizon, I wanted to revisit each of my current works a snippet at a time. First up is the book that started it all. Subject 5691: Petri began as a flash serial based around a photo prompt. That first small snippet, much like Petri, took on a mind of its own and became the start of not one but two series: The Edgeworld Chronicles and the Wolves…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Sorcha

It’s that time of the year. No, not that one. Nope, not that one either. Wait…no, stay on track! This isn\’t about holidays, it’s about the most wonderful, hectic stressful time of the year! It’s time for National Novel Writing Month, where authors near and far scramble to write 50,000 words in 30 days. With the Wolves of Sorrow the perfect length for a NaNo project and Sorcha giving me fits, I’ve chosen to throw…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Izabel

Just one more week until Izabel goes live! You can preorder it here or read it on Kindle Unlimited after September 20. As pack healer, Izabel has always been a steady presence in the pack until that first glorious rainstorm on their new home planet brings Security Director Ranoch Til into her life. Click through for a quick teaser of their first kiss.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday -Wolves of Sorrow: Izabel

Izabel is now available for preorder! If that’s your thing, check out this link and settle in for a wait. It’ll release on September 20. If you’d like a bit of earlier access, there’s still slots available for Advanced Reader Copies over at Booksprout. While reviews are not required, they are greatly appreciated. The account is free and all links are provided for you.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

I want to thank everyone who’s purchased, read, or boosted Draxton’s Destiny. This book took far too long to write, but I’m kind of glad I waited. This isn’t a book I could’ve written when Petri was released, but it’s the book it needed to be. I’m overjoyed to see others enjoy the broken soldier and his Minshaari. It’s been a bright spot in an increasingly dark reality.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Jelayan

I’ve completed the first draft of Jelayan, fourth in the Wolves of Sorrow series of short novels. Yay, go me! While I’m working on another project instead of the one I should be working on, I’ll let Jelayan simmer for a few weeks before returning for a second pass. There’s always holes in a rough draft that the subsequent editing passes catch, and I hope to clean this one up with a minimal amount of…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny releases next week! Wheee! This novel has been a wild ride from start to finish. Originally written in serial flash format using prompts, Draxton suffered far too many years of attempted revisions until I settled on a full rewrite. It didn’t come easy, but with only one week remaining until it’s out in the world, I can honestly say I’m absolutely thrilled with the end result. This week’s teaser is another deleted scene,…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny is one week closer to release, and I’m terrified excited to see what everyone thinks of the wounded sergeant and his Minshaari. Last week, I presented an interlude from the Ravyn’s point of view which was cut from the final novel as extraneous information. This week is no different. Read on for a deleted scene featuring my original space boys, Petri and Grokhaar.

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