Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Jelayan

I’ve completed the first draft of Jelayan, fourth in the Wolves of Sorrow series of short novels. Yay, go me! While I’m working on another project instead of the one I should be working on, I’ll let Jelayan simmer for a few weeks before returning for a second pass. There’s always holes in a rough draft that the subsequent editing passes catch, and I hope to clean this one up with a minimal amount of…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny releases next week! Wheee! This novel has been a wild ride from start to finish. Originally written in serial flash format using prompts, Draxton suffered far too many years of attempted revisions until I settled on a full rewrite. It didn’t come easy, but with only one week remaining until it’s out in the world, I can honestly say I’m absolutely thrilled with the end result. This week’s teaser is another deleted scene,…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny is one week closer to release, and I’m terrified excited to see what everyone thinks of the wounded sergeant and his Minshaari. Last week, I presented an interlude from the Ravyn’s point of view which was cut from the final novel as extraneous information. This week is no different. Read on for a deleted scene featuring my original space boys, Petri and Grokhaar.

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Draxton’s Destiny

Tuesdays are for Teasing! Today I’m returning to the Edgeworld Chronicles as I gear up to the release of Draxton’s Destiny, the second in that series. Draxton’s actions in Subject 5691: Petri lead to his arrest and imprisonment for two long years as the Alliance seeks to recapture their escaped experiment. Frustrated by Draxton’s iron will, his commander places him on the slave market where he’s bought by Losha Brixys, a mysterious offworlder. Like a…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday – Wolves of Sorrow: Izabel

I’ve completed the first draft of Izabel, third in the Wolves of Sorrow series of short novels, and will let it simmer for a few weeks before returning for a second pass to iron out any noticeable kinks. Would love to get one or two more reliable beta readers on board, so if you’re interested, drop me a line in the comments below, contact me on Facebook or Twitter, or shoot me an email. The…

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Flash Fiction Friday – Caught

I’ve been rather lax about my flash pieces here, pouring my time and effort into getting the various projects finished I wanted to publish this year. With Brienne released, Draxton up for preorder, and Izabel ready for the beta readers, I decided to return to a bit of short fiction. Caught was the working title of Wolves of Sorrow: Shoba, so I thought it’d be a nice title for a slice of life piece featuring the growly wolf and her Rifaniir mate.…

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